Programs & Keynote SpeechesDr. Frederick G. Elias will customize any of the following seminars, program and keynote speeches to suit the needs of your organization.
How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?
Learn how to master potential and organizational change. Break through resistance to change, transform lives, communicate with confidence, transcend limitations, and achieve whatever you desire.
Relationship Building & Communication.
Stress & Change Management
I CAN I WILL: Goal Setting.
Motivation & Leadership.
Maximum Impact
Emotional Intelligence
Team Building & Problem Solving
Dr. Frederick G. Elias
Educational Background
UC Santa Barbara
Ph.D. & M.A. Organizational Leadership / Summa Cum Laude –
Holy Cross Seminary
Pastoral Counseling, Ethics, Theology –
Boston College
Psychology –
University of California, Santa Cruz
B.A. Psychology / Cum Laude –
Grossmont College
A.A. Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies –